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September 2010



Konrad Goerg

We are what we remember.


Germans, Two Generations after Auschwitz

Voices to Remind Us


In Remembrance of Erwin Katz


Forewords by Horst Eberhard Richter

and by Erhard Roy Wiehn

1st Edition 2010 as Paperbook. 116 pages,

€ 9.95. ISBN 978-3-86628-342-8


1st Edition 2010 as ebook. US $ 9.15

on www.amazon.com  ISBN 978-3-86628-355-8



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Something is wrong in an engagement with Auschwitz, if it is not, again and again, deeply disturbing – or at least every once in a while.

How can a person of a later generation, after that of the perpetrators, who has not studied the Holocaust scientifically, approach the 'abyss of history' (Paul Valéry)? For me personally this was only possible through a chorus of different voices trying to enter into a dialogue with each other: explaining historically, arguing, desperately questioning, clamoring and accusing, struggling for truth, pleading for reconciliation and hopeful for the future.

In order to demonstrate the magnitude of this evil, however, the hate-filled disdain, prejudice and cynicism in the statements of the perpetrators had to be included as well – difficult though this sometimes was.


This collection is meant as a contribution to ensure that we continue to face up to historical responsibility and build a collective cultural memory which is reliable and durable and, at the same time, forms an 'orientation culture' for the generations to come.





Konrad Görg, MD, born in 1953 in Simmern / Hunsrück, Internist at the University Hospital Marburg, Department of Hematology / Oncology. Since 1999, trombonist of the brass quintet "Marburg Brass."

He lives with his wife and two children in Marburg, Germany.











This anthology on the Shoah makes compelling reading. Behind it, like a watermark the outcry of the memorial stone in Treblinka, "Never again!"


Erhard Roy Wiehn, 4/08


This is a book to flip through and linger over, not one to read through quickly. Every reader will get caught on different citations. In this way is honored what the quoted Spanish writer and philosopher Manès Sperber said that remembering is a particular form of love, a love for those who were made voiceless by their calamity.


Public-Forum, kritisch-christlich-unabhängig, 1/09

[Public-Forum, critical-Christian-independent]


Amazing, how a small volume like this can open eyes.


Deutsches Ärzteblatt, 2/09

[German Physician's Paper]


Precisely because of its compressed overview, the little book deserves a wide circulation. One can learn more from it than from a great deal of more extensive documentation, and it helps to remind us of the need for ongoing vigilance.


Horst-Eberhard Richter, 10/09


Simply a wonderful book! Not only the selection of texts, but also its thematic arrangement, the impressive introduction and forewords – not to mention the peculiar mentality and orientation of the entire book – make this collection a unique manifestation of true commemoration and a humanistic world view. Very many thanks for this important gift, which the author made to previous and future readers of his book.


Moshe Zuckermann, Tel Aviv, 12/09


In a unique collection of quotations Görg traces in a wide arc the story of the persecution of Jews, its spiritual precursors and its opponents. Through the selection of quotes, perpetrators and victims, witnesses and analytical observers of different ages encounter each other and engage in dialogue. Thus the book brings to life the light and dark sides of German culture, and shows how important history is for the present time. The reading makes the reader a very special offer: To overcome the inner cowardice and work toward gaining a personal access to this darkest chapter of European history.


Bündnis für Demokratie und Toleranz - Gegen Extremismus und Gewalt, 1/10

[Alliance for Democracy and Tolerance - Against Extremism and Violence]



More English or German/English books in Prof. Wiehn's Edition on Shoah & Judaica / Jewish Studies


You may order this book as an eBook on www.amazon.com.

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