Hartung-Gorre Verlag

Inh.: Dr. Renate Gorre

D-78465 Konstanz

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The English Edition of 2017







Jerry Lindenstraus


An Incredible Journey

From East Prussia, via Shanghai

and Colombia to New York

A Jewish Family History

1929 to 2017


1st Edition 2017, 100 pages.

ISBN 978-3-86628-596-5















I dedicate this book to my son Leslie, because he agreed to travel with me to Shanghai, Bogota, and my birthplace Gumbinnen, otherwise this book would never have been written. Now he knows my background, and he can answer any questions his children and future grandchildren may have.

Many American friends asked me about my past when they heard my German accent, and when I told my story they would say, "write a book!" so finally I did. I wish I could thank many people for helping me to write it, but sadly they have all died, including my wife Erica. She encouraged me to keep writing, and she read, reread and corrected every page. Without her, I would not have finished the book.

I enjoy telling my story at the 92nd Street Y or the Witness Theater or to whomever wants to hear it.  I feel like it is my duty to educate people about the Jews of Shanghai during World War II.  I am grateful to have had the life I had, which was not a conventional one, but I know I was loved, first by my parents, and then by my step-parents.  I am fortunate to have had wonderful friends and a successful business and to have found Erica, to whom I was married for fifty years. I take immense pleasure in Leslie’s family.  I am grateful to Margie.  I play tennis, I stay well, and I pray every day.  I continue to try to do good in the world.  And I always tell my two grandchildren, “if I didn't end up in Shanghai I would not be here today and neither would you...” (Jerry Lindenstraus)



More about the Jews of Shanghai during World War II. in these German books:


The German Edition of 1999




Jerry Lindenstraus,

Eine unglaubliche Reise

Von Ostpreußen über Schanghai

und Kolumbien nach New York.

Jüdische Familiengeschichte 1929-1999.

Herausgegeben von Erhard Roy Wiehn

Konstanz 1999, 108 Seiten, 14,32 €.

ISBN 3-89649-441-4









Further German books concerning the ghetto in Shanghai








Evelyn Pike Rubin

Ghetto Schanghai

Von Breslau nach Schanghai und Amerika.

Erinnerungen eines jüdischen Mädchens damals.

Herausgegeben von Erhard Roy Wiehn

2002. 78 S., 18,00 €. ISBN 3-89649-792-8



















Wolfgang Hadda,

Knapp davongekommen

Von Breslau nach Schanghai und San Francisco.

Jüdische Schicksale 1920-1947.

Herausgegeben von Erhard Roy Wiehn

1997, 258 Seiten, € 20,35. ISBN 3-89649-090-7















Grete Beck-Klein,

Was sonst vergessen wird

Von Wien nach Schanghai, England und Minsk.

Jüdische Schicksale 1918-1996.

Herausgegeben von Erhard Roy Wiehn

1997, 114 Seiten, 13,70 €. ISBN 3-89649-172-5













Hartung-Gorre Verlag / D-78465 Konstanz

Telefon: +49 (0) 7533 97227  Telefax: +49 (0) 7533 97228

http://www.hartung-gorre.de   eMail: verlag@hartung-gorre.de