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Series in Microelectronics

edited by       Wolfgang Fichtner
                        Qiuting Huang
                        Heinz Jäckel
                        Gerhard Tröster
                        Bernd Witzigmann

Vol. 204





Urs Hammer


Sub-micron InP/GaAsSb/InP Double Heterojunction Bipolar
Transistors for Ultra High-Speed Digital Integrated Circuits.


2010, X, 268 pages, € 64,00.

ISBN 978-3-86628-301-5





Indium phosphide (InP) based double heterojunction bipolar transistors (DHBT) have demonstrated excellent high-speed characteristics. Ultimate performance of digital integrated circuits, however, will depend on aggressively scaled device technologies and appropriate material systems. In this work the high potential of InP based DHBTs with a GaAsSb base is recognized. Guidelines for DHBT device scaling towards 160Gb/s and beyond digital integrated circuits are presented and an InP/GaAsSb/InP DHBT technology based on two-inch substrates is developed. Sub-micron DHBT device scaling is achieved by means of a two-level electron beam lithography (EBL) process. This thesis provides a thorough insight into the design, fabrication and characterization of sub-micron InP/GaAsSb/InP DHBTs as well as the design of ultra high-speed static frequency dividers.


About the author


Urs Hammer received the Dipl. Ing. (MSc) and PhD degrees in Electrical Engineering from ETH Zurich in 2002 and 2009, respectively. Since 2002 he has been a research and teaching assistant with the Electronics Laboratory of ETH Zurich. His work focuses on the design, fabrication and characterization of InP based DHBTs and ultra high-speed digital integrated circuits.


Keywords: Indium Phosphide, Antimonide, InP/GaAsSb, Double Heterojunction, Bipolar Transistor, DHBT, Sub-micron, Electron Beam Lithography, EBL, Ultra High-Speed, Digital Integrated Circuits, Static Frequency Divider.

Series in Microelectronics

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